Blue Lagoon: Two high school survival to be stranded on a tropical island: Awakening 2012 It must rely on each other for. They are more on each other for their content and falling in love | [19.45902 million ||
Date | . | [19459023 June 16, 2012 [19.45902 million|
runtime | : | [19459019-1945902million; |
Genres | : | Drama, Adventure , Romance | [19.45902 million
[19.45903 million manufacturer | : | [19459031 story Entertainment , Pe aceOut production Sony Pictures television silver screen photo | [19.45902 million
producing countries | : | United States [19459019-1945902million] |
Casts | : | Indiana Evans , Rove renteon's Waits , Denise Richards , Frank John Hughes by Alix Elizabeth Gitter , Jacob artist Patrick Esprit | [19.45902 million
plot keywords | : exile strand | , [19,459,009 youth and desert island and is a tropical island and high school students and is a Caribbean , is lost at sea | [1945902million
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